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Our Projects

Great Southern BioBlitz

The ‘Great Southern BioBlitz’, or ‘GSB’ for short; an international period of intense biological surveying in an attempt to record all the living species within designated areas across the Southern Hemisphere in Spring.


The purpose of this event is to highlight both the immense biodiversity spread across the Southern Hemisphere in the flourishing springtime, as well as to engage the public in science and nature learning.

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Greater Adelaide:

City Nature Challenge

The City Nature Challenge is an international event exploring global urban and near urban biodiversity through the free to use citizen science application iNaturalist.  


Join the Greater Adelaide team and help showcase our stunning biodiversity to the world in 2022.

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Intervarsity BioBlitz Challenge

The Intervarsity BioBlitz Challenge will be an annual event, bringing together students to discover as many species as possible on their campus grounds, as well as in theiir surrounding conservation park lands with the help of local friends of and environmental groups.


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St. Kilda Mangrove Survey

The tidal wetlands surrounding the St. Kilda Mangrove Boardwalk have been adversely affected since mid-2020.


Nearby decommissioned gypsum ponds that were filled with hyper-saline brines. Gypsum, lining the old ponds, are suspected to have degraded after sitting empty for seven years. It appears the ponds are leaking and mobilising acidic materials from underneath the gypsum crust. There appears to be no effort to monitor the area or efforts to mitigate any effects of the salt fields.


Here, we have set up a citizen science project to facilitate monitoring of the forest and its recovery.

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Acknowledgement of Country

Ferox australis acknowledges Aboriginal people as the First Peoples and Nations of the lands and waters we live and work upon and we pay our respects to their Elders past and present. We acknowledge and respect the deep spiritual connection and the relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have to Country.

© 2023 Ferox australis

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